GroWild Kindergarten

Into the woods


A Typical Day


Morning arrival

On arrival to the kindergarten we all get on our cosy waterproofs and get ready to venture to the woodland. Our day begins with exploring under the trees and talking together to share news, stories and also to discuss playing safely together in the woods.

Explore & play

Children are naturally inquisitive learners. Before children arrive staff organise 'invitations to play' for children to explore. This might be; potion mixing with herbs in the mud pie area, digging for hidden dinosaurs, creating a story nook and fort with blankets and tarps, or balancing on the slack lines and hammocks.

Snacks & food

Playing outdoors is hungry work! At lunchtimes we will eat together in the woods (or sometimes indoors). Throughout the day children have access to their own water bottles and we also provide a healthy snack option in the morning and afternoon. This may be fresh food option or a cooked campfire snack. Children will need to bring a home packed lunch for the day.

Time for a nap

When working outside we have access to our yurt plus hammocks for tree sleepers! Our ‘sleepy teepee’ area indoors is a cosy and calm space for children to sleep in the day or simply a space to snuggle up with a book!

A busy day

In the afternoon our play is focused on the mornings activities. A high ratio of staff to children ensures we can monitor their interests and offer extended opportunities for the rest of the day. We aim to offer experiences rather than ‘activities’ and will aim to scaffold children's learning with storytelling, real life play, tool work and games that support social and resilient learners. At the end of the day we often like to sit together, try some yoga poses and use this time to reflect and share our thoughts, ready for parents/carers arrive to collect their tired and happy little wildlings!


Want to know more?

Please see our FAQs page or contact us for additional information.

To confirm your interest in a place please click the below link and we will be in touch!


At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling